Placement Exams

Completing your required placement exams is one of the most important tasks you need to do before enrolling in courses at Butler. These exams are intended to determine the proper course level for certain subjects, and help ensure you aren’t placed in a class that is too easy or too difficult. Scores are for placement purposes only. Your academic advisor will use the scores to help you choose appropriate courses that fit your academic plan.

How To Get Started

To see your required placement exams, reference your To Do List on My.Butler. Incoming first-year students will also receive email notification outlining their required tests.

You’ll complete your placement exams using Canvas, Butler’s learning management platform. Access to Canvas begins once your enrollment deposit has been processed.

Before you begin, ensure you have set aside plenty of time to complete any required exams in a distraction–free environment.

Use your Butler email address and password to login to Canvas. Once you are logged in, click on the course tile for Butler Placement Exams and choose the appropriate placement exam to begin. If you have forgotten your Butler credentials or are setting up your account for the first time, instructions for doing so are available here.

Please note:

  • You have only one attempt to complete any of the placement exams. There are no “retries.”
  • A timer is located within each testing environment. As soon as you click on “Take the Quiz,” the timer will start. Please note that the exams may take a few moments to load.
  • There is no penalty for guessing.
  • To complete each exam, click “Submit Quiz” at the bottom of the exam. If the timer runs out, the exam will be submitted automatically.
  • If you are a student with a properly documented disability and eligible to receive an accommodation (i.e., extended time) for placement exams, do not proceed with exams until you have contacted Student Disability Services. Special accommodation arrangements can be made for online placement exams; however, advance notice is required. Please contact Student Disability Services at 317-940-9308 or